Thank you for your interest in the industrial internet Vocabulary technical Report.
This report specifies a common set of definitions for terms, to be referenced in all Industry IoT Consortium reports and technical papers. This report may be used as a cross reference to other Industry IoT Consortium reports including the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture.
The Industrial Internet Vocabulary technical report is the product of hundreds of hours of work by the members of the Industry IoT Consortium Technology Working Group. In
particular, we would like to thank the following organizations:
- ABB, Inc
- AT&T
- Cisco Systems, Inc
- EnterpriseWeb LLC
- Fujitsu Limited
- General Electric
- IBM Corporation
- Infineon Technologies AG
- Intel Corporation
- Object Management Group
- Real-Time Innovations
- RSA, The Security Divsion of EMC
- Symantec Corporation
- The MITRE Corporation
- University of Pennsylvania
- Wind River
Have questions or comments about the
Vocabulary technical report? Email the
Industry IoT Consortium technical staff here.